Sunday, May 15, 2011

My answer to "Thanks and some feature requests"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

This site already has the "Reputation" system just like on StackOverflow. You do earn points for votes and for w hen someone selects your answer.

You also earn points for posting your Q and A to Twitter, Facebook. Tubmlr, Blogger.

You also gain certain extra permissions for reaching certain score. This is all configurable. So the Points system is already fully implemeted.

As for badges - no. I am not sure I want this. I mean, what are we a boyscout club? I mean badges are great for when you in boyscout, but seriusly, I have never, ever paid any attention to anyone's badges (including my own) on StackOverflow. What this means to me is that there is a considerable work required to add a feature that I personally totally ignore on other sites.

Badges is just one of those features that I will do if someone sponsors it. I mean, I am open for coding sponsored features - you pay, I code. New code becomes available as feature - for everyone, not just you. Your name and link goes into "sponsors" category. A Win-Win.

As Far as "not as feature rich" as So and So... Take a look at what we already have. I think it has more features than "so and so". Does "so and so" have "Dot folders"? Does "so and so" have indicators of "Questions you follow"?

Does "so and so" have ability to follow tags, follow users and follow questions?

Does "so and so" have feature when words that match your tags are wrapped in <em> tag which can boost SEO for these words?

Does "so and so" have "Sticky thread" feature to keep certain posts on top of list all the time, like an announcement?

Does "so and so" have ability to post question or answer to Twitter, Facebook wall, Tumbl blog and Blogger blog - all at the same time?

Does "so and so" have excellent programming code editor/highter which is much better than one used on StackOverflow?

I am not sure about all other sites but at least one of the sites you mentioned does not have support for UTF-8 Tags - they only allow tags to be in English. On this site tags can be any word in any language - arabic, chinese, even html tags or percent sign can be in tag.

Does "so and so" have ajax based sort in tags and users pages?

Not as feature rich as StackOverflow? Think about it - SO does not even have their own user signup system - you MUST use open ID, there is no way to just create own account on SO. How lame is that?

Yes, this site does not have all the features that all other sites have. We don't have "Favorite" feature where you mark question as favorite - and it's saved to your favorites. But this is going to be added because I like it and I use it on stackoverflow, so it's going to be here too.

Yes, we don't have badges but I explained my position.

We don't have Internationalization yet but it's on a todo list and when I write it it's going to be better than "so and so" sites because I'm am planning to write complete locatization library not just translation. What I mean is not just language selection but locale like en_US, en_UK, etc... The locale also results in formatting date/time differently, formatting decimal points. currency etc.

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