Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My answer to "Admin options"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

When you logged in as admin you can just do the sticky posts, edit other people posts, delete posts, lock post, retag post etc right from the normal pages. So basically there is no admin section for most of the normal site keeping.

Also when logged in as admin and clicking on the "Settings" link you will see extra link "Clear cache"
The category editor is not ready yet, but it will be added to the "Settings" block also and will be visible only to people with permission to edit categories.

As admin of site you also can edit settings in !config.ini file to activate/deactivate some features of site like enable Facebook or Twitter, other social sites intergation and acl.ini to edit permissions for various user groups.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

My answer to "Registration failed. Argument 2 passed to MongoCollection::insert() must be an array, boolean given..."

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

Thank you. This is interesting, looks like the API for this mongoCollection may have changed since I wrote the class. I mean, there has been several updates to php's Mongo library since then.

Originally it was possible to pass 'true' to MongoCollection insert method as second parameter, meaning a 'safe' mode, meaning to write data to disk immediately.

Indeed, looking a the latest documentation on site it does say that second param cannot be boolean anymore.

I will make update now and will commit the update to github ASAP.

Thank you.

My answer to "Why do not my upvotes result in the user gaining reputation points?"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

This is possibly a bug. Unfortunately this site does not run on the very latest version that I still have in development, and there was a bug with reputation that I fixed awhile ago but did not have time to upload everything yet.

My answer to "Is the aim of LampCMS to implement all the features of Stackoverflow?"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

No, that would be the aim of Stackoveflow I suppose.
Lampcms aim is to implement the best features for a Q&A site. It already has features not available on Stackoverflow and I'm definetely not going to implement all features of Stackoverflow.

Also if there are some good features worthy of implementing you want to suggest, I will consider them too.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

My answer to "Integration with Drupal 7"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

I don't know... Can you?

Seriously, I don't like Drupal at all, I downloaded it and look at the code and all, and I really don't like the way it's made.

I am definitively not going to attempt to integrate Lampcms with Drupal, unless it's a for-hire project.