Tuesday, July 30, 2013

My answer to "question on links"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

1) Write your answer in the editor, highlight the word you want to link, then the icon is not grayed out anymore. 2) Click on link icon, insert your link
3) Enjoy.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

My answer to "How do I generate a sitemap"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

First in your www/w directory create subdirectory called 'sitemap'
Make it writable.

Second - from command like issue this command

/path/to/your/php /path/to/your/lampcms/sitemap.php
Here /path/to/your/php is the path to your executable php (cgi version of php) file - usually it is not the same php as used by your web server.
On Windows it will be php.exe file, on Linux it is an executable php file installed with your php installation.

If it does not work look in your logs/cli-php.log file

It should generate the sitemap and index file in the www/w/sitemap/ directory

It will also ping Google, Bing and Yahoo with the locations of you sitemap

If it works then you may want to add this command to your cron file to be executed every day or every week.

You may also add the location of your w/sitemap/index.xml to your robots.txt file

Just add something like this to your robots.txt

Sitemap: http://yoursite.com/w/sitemap/index.xml

Thursday, July 25, 2013

My answer to "LOCALE and LANG problems"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

No need to remove database. All you need to do is login to your site as administrator, click on settings and then click on "Clear Cache" link

That will remove all cached translation objects from cache. Translation objects are cached to improve performance because you don't want to parse the xml file on every page load to load translation strings. These are parsed once and then created object is stored in C_Cache mongo collection. It's alot faster to get the object from Mongo then re-create it from xml files on every page load.

Anyway, there is a "Clear Cache" link in settings but it is only visible when you logged in with admin account.

You must clear cache after you change anything in your translation files which are basically xml files with the .xlf extension - in /config/translations/ directory

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

My answer to "What is twitter API_KEY?"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

There could be other reasons why twitter login does not appear on your site.
First of all this feature requires the php oauth extension.

If you don't have this extension installed then twitter button will not appear even you you add TWITTER_OAUTH_KEY and TWITTER_OAUTH_SECRET Second - the login block is cached for the duration of the session to optimize performance. You may need to login, then log back out in order to see the changes after you add values forTWITTER_OAUTH_SECRET and TWITTER_OAUTH_KEY

Monday, July 22, 2013

My answer to "Mongo DB in Auth mode"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

How does your server config option look like in !config.ini?
Mine is like this: server = "mongodb://"
To support authentication try something like this:
If this does not work try replacing this:
in file Lampcms\Mongo\DB.php around line 153
replace $this->conn = new \Mongo($server, $aOptions);
with $this->conn = new \MongoClient($server, $aOptions);

MongoClient was introduced in php mongo driver 1.3.0, so make sure you have at least the 1.3.0 version.

Let me know how it works our for you.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Server was down today due to power supply failure

My Question on Support site for LampCMS project

I noticed that this support site was down this morning, so I opened a ticket with iweb.com and they replied very fast and said that the power supply needed to be replaced.
As you can see they have replaced it really fast.

The only thing I had to do was to manually start one process: php-fpm which for some reasons did not start automatically. I was away from my computer for most of the day, that's why it took long.

This is just another proof to me that iweb.com is a pretty good host, seeing how quickly they fixed a server.

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My answer to "RSS Feeds Possible?"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

What do you want to be included in rss feed?

There is a REST api available for Lampcms, it's part of LampCMS actually, so you can request list of questions and do things like sort by, etc, can even add questions and answers via API using basic authentication.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Decent hosting for Lampcms

My Question on Support site for LampCMS project

Hello everybody.

Sometimes people ask me to recommend a good hosting options to host Lampcms.
Just want to share my personal experience with the iweb.com hosting.

About 7 months ago I switched from softlayer to iweb.com because iweb had a much better deal on a dedicated server. I got a dedicated server for $89.00 a month. It has 8Gigs ram and 2 hard drivers about 300 gigs each.

This is enough to a very high traffic Q&A site including having MongoDB installed and Nginx or Lighttpd or Apache server. Since support.lampcms.com gets very low traffic, I can also host other sites on the same server. I actually let my son host minecraft server on it too, so he does not have to pay for any minecraft hosting.

Anyway, I was skeptical at first about iweb, the reviews were mixed - some good, some bad. But now after 7 months of continues uptime I can honestly say that iweb is a pretty good host.

Recently I had an issue where I could not get extra ip addresses to work on the server. I mean they gave me 1 primary and 4 additional addresses when I signed up. I only was using one, but when I tried to start using other ips they were just now working. So I opened a support ticket and turns out they gave me wrong ip address blocks. After some investigation they just gave me different ips and they work.

I was surprised when I was a charge of $18 for their 15 minutes of support time. I thought I did not have to pay for this since the issue was entirely their fault.

So I emailed them and they replied the next day saying that they are agreeing with me and credited my account.

I think they did the right thing.

So now I can feel good about recommending iweb as a good choice for hosting lampcms sites. You get dedicated server, you have to install everything yourself - it only comes with CentOS linux. Make sure you get 64 bit Linux. Then use YUM installer to quickly install MongoDB, Lighttpd.

Then use yum to install libxml and any other library you may need to build your php. Then download the php source and build it yourself using the usual configure, make, make install.

The bottom line is you can get a really nice server for under $100/month. They are running specials from time to time so you can get a server for like $59/month

It is cheaper that Amazon cloud EC2

By the way, the www.lampcms.com is hosted on Google App Engine and it written in JSP and some custom Java Servlet that I wrote. The reason for that is because App Engine is free for small low-traffic sites and it case I have to move supportl.lampcms.com to another server again at least I will not have to move the www.lampcms.com site - it sits comfortably on GAE.
The small custom servlet I wrote just reads the contents of the lampcms.zip file and reads the version file to figure out what is the latest release date and release version to show on download pages.
Another servlet is for streaming the phptest.php so it is downloaded by browser as a file and not just show the source code in the browser.

The rest of the pages are just basic JSP pages, basically just html, no dynamic logic there at all.

PS. I plan to try to install Lampcms on AWS EC2 (the free version of cause), and also I like the OpenShift cloud options, they have a free version of small instance that I think will be enough for hosting a small Q&A site. I'll share my experience with these after I make Lampcms site to run on these cloud hosts.

What about you? Do you have any hosting company that you can recommend for inexpensive dedicated server that can be used for hosting LampCMS site?

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My answer to "Adding/changing categories on existing questions"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

This feature is now available. I added the ability to change category when editing the question. The changes are in the github and also in the latest release on http://www.lampcms.com/download.htm

Thursday, July 4, 2013

My answer to "Adding/changing categories on existing questions"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

Currently no way to change category. I added the support for categories much later than other features were already written. I guess I just overlooked that one possibility that category may need to be changed.

I''ll add it to feature request now and will work on it shortly.