Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My answer to "Feature request for google +1 button."

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

I am pretty sure you can add extra buttons to a template yourself. It's in the tplQuestion.php template file

Monday, July 30, 2012

My answer to "How to integrate post to feature?"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

Please tell me more about your server setup. What type of server, how do you run php - as php-fpm or as mod_php? 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Working on Login with Google feature

My Question on Support site for LampCMS project

Just want to let you know I'm currently working on Login with Google feature.
As many of you already know, Lampcms used to have a Login with Google via Google' FriendConnect service.
Through FriendConnect we also have a Login with Yahoo, AOL and OpenID

Earlier this year Google shut down the FriendConnect project and we lost all these Login options.

Then I got busy with rewriting Lampcms for the PR1 release and now finally have time to work on Google login integration. It's about 80% done.

Also in the process of researching the Google Login integration I stumbled across the newest Google+ API. It looks really cool - they now have a support for write methods - you can post links and actions to Google+ history API. As of now this is still in beta, I had to signup for beta testing to get access to it and I don't think it's available to end users yet.

The only problem with Google+ API is that it does not provide user's email address - there is no way to ask for user's permission to get their email address. This makes Google+ not suitable for the Login with Google+ feature because without email address there is no way to find if this is a new user or existing user signing up with Google+.

Of cause we can ask for email address as a second step in registration just like we do for Twitter and that's exactly how we used to it with FriendConnect, but that's kind of unattractive and I don't like it.

So I decided I will still add the support for Google+ but only as an option to add Google+ to existing account from the profile page. This will be done the same way you can add your Blogger and Tumblr account.

Once user authorizes/adds Google+ to their account, they can start sharing the questions, answers and comments on Google+ network.

Well, that what's I'm working on now. It will be in PR2 release.

Also I want to add support for translation of all strings that are used in Javascripts into the user's selected languages. This is very important step for making Lampcms fully internationalized.

Then as a last step I plan to start using the php's intl extension for support different locales. What this will do is it will allow us to translate time zone names into other languages using php's extension, also to format date/time into locale of user and also format numbers (number of questions, answers, the reputation score) according to locale.

This is a longer-term goal and intl extension in php is being actively developed and is getting better and better. We actually started using the intl extension at my current job's project and I really like it.

Ok, one more item on the longer-term goals is to make a .phar release of the Lampcms. The idea is to have entire /lib/ folder with all sub-folders as a single lampcms.phar file
This will make installation alot easier for less experienced users, also upgrading will be must simpler - just download one new .phar file and upload it to your server and you're done.

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Server was down

My Question on Support site for LampCMS project

This site as well as www.lampcms.com was down today. There was some problem with the hard disk, I had to run fsck to fix the file system. Not exactly sure what the problem was. What happend was - Linux switched the file system to read-only mode. This caused all kinds of problems.

Anyway, I ran the fsck and restarted the server early in the morning but did not have time to do anything else - had to leave to go to work.

Now I came back from work, ssh to server, noticed that php-fpm was not running. Started it up and we are back.

I think I'll be moving to different host - found a better deal for a dedicated server - a little bit cheaper and will have more RAM.

I also decided to move the static pages of www.lampcms.com to the github - they host project pages for free, so I figured why not? github seems to be pretty reliable.

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Friday, July 13, 2012

My answer to "Fresh Install: renderTimeString error"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

You found a bug. Thank you for that.

That variable has to do with a setting SHOW_TIMER in !config.ini
It allows to show render time at the bottom of the pages, just like on this support forum.

I have fixed this issue and pushed a new update to github. You can download a new zip file from github OR just copy the contents of the new index.php in the www directory.

Monday, July 9, 2012

My answer to "How can I contribute with a translation?"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

Download Lampcms zip file from github or clone Lampcms master branch from github.
Look in the config/translations/ directory

There are 2 files there - one for Russian and one for English.
English has only few required translation strings since most strings don't have to have English translations.

Russian translations file "messages.ru.xlf" is a good example of how to create own language files. You should translate values of all "target" tags while not changing the values of <source> tags.

Thank you.

My answer to "CSS forbidden -> installation"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

Sorry, but installation process has changed slightly in this new release.

Also why is the screenshot point to dev.lampcms.com? Have you added this domain to your hosts file?

Here are some basic installation instructions now:

1) inside the config folder rename !config.ini.dist to !config.ini
rename acl.ini.dist to acl.ini

2) in the www folder (which will be your root folder of the installation) rename
bootstrap.dist.php to bootstrap.php

In the newly renamed bootstrap.php you may edit a couple of lines if you going to be using a multi-site setup where you need to define a path to the lib directory. You don't have to edit anything at all for default installation.

3) You need to create 'logs' folder, by default it should be next to the lib directory, but you can have logs directory anywhere on your system and then define a full path to logs directory in !config.ini
Make sure logs directory is writable

4) Edit !config.ini to setup your mail server in the [EMAIL_SERVER] section. Read the comments in the !config.ini they are pretty informative.

5) In !config.ini make sure to enter values for

EMAIL_DEVELOPER and EMAIL_ADMIN can be the same address. Should be your address since that's where you will be receiving errors in case there are any. Receiving errors is very helpful in debugging process. Also
the value of EMAIL_ADMIN you set in !config.ini is used when creating your first account. When you register a user with the email that matches EMAIL_ADMIN value in !config.ini that user becomes admin of the site and have rights to moderate, delete posts, edit posts and delete users. Also has other super-rights.

Do not edit
JS_SITE = ""

unless you really going to host these on a dedicated server(s) with own domain name

You MUST also set a value of

to point to domain name where you going to host your Lampcms project.
If you going to setup Lampcms in non-root web directory do NOT point
SITE_URL to that directory - it must still point to root of the site.

6) If you setting up Lampcms in NON-Root web directory then also edit
value of DIR in the [URI_PARTS] section of !config.ini

Again, instructions in !config.ini are pretty informative

Let me know if these steps work for you.

PR1 merged into master branch

My Question on Support site for LampCMS project

I merged the PR1 branch into the master branch on github. Basically this means that the pr1 release is now the default branch.

This support site runs on pr1 and works well.

PR2 will be some bug fixes and hopefully couple of new features like upload of images.

The pr1 branch will be deleted from github and the pr2 will be created soon.

The installation instructions have changes but unfortunately I have not updated the installation instructions yet, will do it soon.

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