Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My answer to "[bug][seo] Duplicate content"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

This issue has been fixed and is now in the PR1 branch.

Monday, June 25, 2012

My answer to "Admin Control Panel"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

There is no admin control panel.
When you logged in to site with admin account you have ability to delete and edit questions, answers, retag them, close questions, etc.

You also have access to couple of extra links in "Settings" page like to edit categories and flush cache.

And you also have ability to ban user. There is even a "Shred user" button when viewing a profile of any users. Pushing that button will delete every post made by that user and ban their account. That's cool way to deal with spammers.

The rest of administration is done by editing !config.ini file. Very simple.

No need to admin panel.
If you need to change the look of the site then you need to one or more of the templates.

My answer to "Arabic Support"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

Lampcms supports the translation to any language. You will have to create translation file for your own language and translation strings must be in utf-8 charset.

Look at example translation file in translations directory. Currently there is a Russian translation file there, you can use it as a template to translate to other languages.

Also at this time not 100% of strings can be translated - some are hardcoded inside the code and also Javascript file has some hardcoded strings.

This has already been improved alot in the PR1 branch, but Javascript still has several hardcoded strings.

The PR2 release will have no hardcoded strings, even in Javascript.

My answer to "About lampcms"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

Not right now. I plan to add support for image uploads but no plans to add video upload support. That would require some type of streaming server to be installed.

My answer to "Issues with Installation"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

This error means that php cannot understand the "\" character. This is a namespace separator.
One possible reason for this error is that your php does not support namespaces.
But since you said you have php 5.3 then it must understand namespaces.
The only other possibility is that maybe you uploaded php file using binary transfer mode in ftp server and some extra characters got added to a file during the upload.

Also right now I'm almost done with coding the PR1 branch. You may want to try that branch instead, it's somewhat easier to install - the rewrite rules are optional and much simpler.

On github you will find

Sunday, June 10, 2012

My answer to "can lampCMS be installed inside a subfolder"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

Right now no, but this is one of the important change I'm working on right now.
It will definitely be available in the PR1 release which is due in 3 weeks.

You can take a peek at the PR1 progress if you want. It's a pr1 branch on github

Saturday, June 9, 2012

My answer to "[bug][seo] Duplicate content"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

Confirmed. I will include the in the PR1 release.
I'm working on PR1 right now. The rewrite is really massive.
I hope to have it done in 2 more weeks.

Monday, June 4, 2012

My answer to "Error: Unable to connect to Mongo: Unknown error"

This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project

This means your mongo server is not running. Just make sure Mongo server is running and that the address and port number of your mongo server is set correctly in !config.ini in the [MONGO] section