My Question on Support site for LampCMS project
Just want to post a little update on the imageupload functionalityI am currently working on adding imageupload functionality to the text editor.
I am using this plugin to YUI RTE as a starting point:
It's a good start, I have already made changes to JavaScript to make it work with YUI3 based functions.
Now I'm working on the server-side functionality.
It's not a difficult task but there are just a lot of little things I have to implement on the server.
Here is the list:
Only logged-in users will be able to upload images
Uploading of image will be a separate Access permission, configurable in the acl.ini, by default will be enabled for registered users
A configuration option will be used to require minimum reputation in order to allow imageupload
Configuration options for imageupload: max file size, max width and max height.
Image will be resized to fix max width and height. If image had to be resized then the original is also saved separately so that later we can have option to view the original
If user does not have permission or enough reputation to uploadimage then the imageupload button will not even be added to the text editor. Additionally the same permissions/reputation will be checked on the server after image is uploaded just to be sure...
Extra check will be in place to prevent more than "N' uploads per minute. This is to prevent attempts to overload the server by uploading hundreds of images rapidly.
As you can see there are quite a few functions I have to implement and test. It's not very difficult but it will take time, so please be patient - the imageupload functionality is coming... I would estimate to take about 4 more days. I mean working days, and since I work on Lampcms only on weekends it may take up to 4 more weeks.
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