This is my answer to a Question on Support site for LampCMS project
I don't really consider it a bug. It is actually a very valuable feature. The editor uses browser local storage feature to save text from your editor to local storage. So if you type something in the editor and don't post it right away and your session expires, the editor will still remember your text.
There is even a "save" icon in the editor so you can save whatever you typed in the editor, so you can continue writing your post later, can be even in a few days.
If you don't push the Save button, the text is auto-saved every few seconds so if your computer crashes your text will still not be lost.
The contents of cache are cleared after you post a question or the answer and the "success" message is returned from the server. This way if the sever is down for any reason at the time you trying to post, your text in the editor is still not lost, so you can try to post later.
As for second window "bug", it's just how browsers work - it shares local storage between windows for the same domain.
Finally if this bothers you, there is an icon next to "Save" icon in the editor "New". Clicking on it clears the cache of editor and your start with a blank page.